Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp – 0.35 oz
San Francisco Bay Brand Brine Shrimp are raised in saltwater ponds that are rich in algae and diatoms. Even herbivores and the most picky eaters will love them. San Francisco Bay Brand Brine Shrimp ranks at the top of the nutritional charts in high levels of essential fatty acids, protein, and pigments. This food is excellent for all freshwater algae eaters, Angels, Discus, Goldfish, Tetras, Barbs, Cichlids, Gouramis, Live Bearers, Loaches, Eels, Catfish, African Cichlids, Sharks, Silver Dollars and all saltwater Angelfish, Butterfly fish, Damsels, Clownfish, Groupers, Eels, and Tangs.
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