Micromeria Brownei, also is known as Creeping Charlie, is a quick-growing aquatic plant that has beautiful, rounded leaves. If Creeping Charlie is allowed to reach the surface of the water, it will send out small flowers, which makes it great for those Betta tanks. This plant can be trimmed to any size you want without hurting the plant.
Hardiness: Easy
You are buying one pot, approx 3 to 4 stems. Planting Instructions Stem plants are usually cuttings of plants that generally don’t come with roots. This is how stem plants are sold in the aquatic plant industry, although at times, my stem plants may come with roots because I have been growing them out. All stem plants come with a plant weight that holds the plant in place and is safe for your tank. To plant, just let the weight lay on your substrate, and the stems will grow roots throughout your substrate. You can also plant the tips, about 1/4″ in your substrate if you prefer. We only Ship Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It ships from USA so will be 2 to 3 days for first class. Can also upgrade to priority or overnight. Some plants may not be in their full aquatic form upon arrival and stem plants may not have any roots yet. You may see some loss of leaves within the first couple weeks while it transitions to its aquatic form. This is perfectly normal as long as the structure remains intact. Photo is not an actual photograph of the item you will be receiving, it is just a representation. night.
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