ChemiZee Zeolite Ammonia Remover – 500 g
Aqua One ChemiZee Zeolite Ammonia Remover is a natural mineral created from volcanic ash. When volcanic ash settles in saltwater, it creates this glass stone substance. Zeolite naturally removes toxins and ammonia from freshwater aquariums in all types of filtration (canister, internal and wet dry) without altering water flow. This method works because highly charged ions from this porous mineral exchanges with ammonia (NH4), where you would then remove the Zeolite and dispose of it to replace with a new & fresh batch. The provided netting will allow you to easily insert and replace when Zeolite expires. The higher ammonia concentrate in your aquarium the faster Zeolite needs to be replaced (if your ammonia is high, replace after a few days). This can be measured by using ammonia test strips. Zeolite can be used constantly in your aquarium when maintained regularly; however, it is a preventative or treatment and not a cure for prolonged ammonia concentrations. Follow set up instructions on the label for optimal results.
Available in a 500 g, 1 kg, 2 kg, or 10 kg container.
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