Anubias Afzelii.
– Create a natural habitat in your aquarium for your fish and invertebrates
– Easy live aquarium plant species for any freshwater aquarium
– Provide natural resting and hiding places for your smaller fish and invertebrates
– Instructions and species description included with the plant
Common Names: Anubias Afzelii Latin Name: Anubias afzelii Family Name: Araceae Plant Form: Rhizome Placement: Mid/Background Max Size: Height 20-30 cm Planting: Do not bury rhizome in substrate. Best tied to hardscape or anchor the fine roots under a rock Flowers: Yes Propagation: Rhizome division Growth Rate: Slow Originates From: West Africa True Aquatic: Amphibious pH: 6-8 Supplements: Balanced water column fertilizers, with a demand for Iron, Trace and Potassium Recommended Tank Size: Any Care Level: Easy Good for Beginners: Yes |
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