Echinodorus rubin
Echinodorus rubin, also known as Red Rubin has long slender red leaves that makes it an excellent feature plant.
Care Level: Easy
Lighting: Medium to High
Maximum Size: 24″
Placement: Midground to Background
Water Conditions: 72-84° F, pH 5.0-7.5, KH 3-8
Propagation: Adventitious Plants, Rhizome Division, Side Shoots from the Rhizome
Color Forms: Green, Red, Tan
Supplements: Trace Elements, CO2 Fertilization, Iron, Potassium, Substrate Fertilizer
Origin: South America
Family: Alismataceae
Species:Species Information
Echinodorus rubin, also known as Red Rubin, is an attractive hybrid between Echinodorus horemanii and Echinodorus barthiiis. It’s a Rosette species with long, red-brown leaves. Red Rubin will grow to reach 24+ inches tall and is often used as a large, beautiful centerpiece in many aquariums.
Aquarium Care
Red Rubin requires a nutrient-rich substrate as well as regular doses of iron and trace elements. For optimal conditions, Red Rubin should be provided with a moderate to high light intensity of 2 to 4 watts per gallon from full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs.
The Red Rubin will benefit from CO2 injection and as with other Echinodorus species, Red Rubin is usually left alone by herbivorous and large fish. Keep in mind that Red Rubin is also sensitive to copper.
Propagation Information
Reproduction within this species is by adventitious plants, side shoots, and rhizome division. Once the new plant establishes a root system and a few leaves, cut it at the root with very sharp, sterilized scissors and gently press the “baby” plant into the substrate.
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